若有要聽 請先將旁的背景音樂關掉
瑪丹娜  1994 的老歌   相當好聽  ^^"

                                                                 ps:中文不是我翻的   可能翻的不太好 
Take a bow                                                                                一鞠躬
The night is over                                                                        夜已盡
This masquerade is getting older                                              妝也老去
Lights are low                                                                          燈火漸暗
The curtains are down                                                              幕已落下
There's no one here                                                                  人們遠去
(There's no one here in the crowd)                                      (人群已散盡)

Say your lines                                                                      唸出台詞的同時
But do you feel them                                                           你可感同身受?
Do you mean what you say                                               你說的可是真心話?
When there's no one around                                             當四下無人的時候
Watching you, watching me                                              望著你,望著我
One lonely star                                                                    不過是一個孤單的明星
(One lonely star you don't know whom you are)        (一個不瞭解自己的孤獨明星)

I've always been in love with you                                       我已永遠地愛上你
I guess you've always known it's true                               也猜想你早就明白,這是真的
You took my love for granted, why oh why                  但為什麼你將我的愛視為理所當然
The show is over, say goodbye                                         這場戲已然結束,說再見吧 
Say goodbye, say goodbye                                                道別吧,道別

Make them laugh                                                                   讓別人發笑
It comes so easy                                                                    多麼的容易
When you get to the part                                                     然而當你演出
Where you're breaking my heart                                         傷透我心的那一段時
Hide behind your smile                                                         你躲藏在笑容背後
All the world loves a clown                                                 當然世上所有人都喜歡小丑
(Just make'em smile the whole world loves a clown)  (只要逗人發笑,全世界都喜愛小丑)

Wish you well                                                                                   祝你好運
I can not stay                                                                                     我再也無法待下去
You deserve an award                                                                      你應得一座獎項
For the role that you played                                                         為你所扮演的角色
No more masquerade                                                                         卸了妝後
You're one lonely star                                                                        你不過是個孤獨的明星
(One lonely star you don't know who you are)                              一個不瞭解自己的孤獨明星

All the world is a stage                                                                   這世界就是一個舞台
And everyone has their part                                                          每個人都有他自己的角色
But how was I to know                                                                   但是我該如何知道
Which way the story'd go                                                              故事將怎麼走下去
How was I to know you'd break                                                    我又該如何得知
You'd break my heart                                                                      你會傷了我的心



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