Today is 9/1 and my summer vacation will be gone. Ai, time is really a very miraculous thing. In the past five months, it happened a lot of things that I lost my girl friend, contacted popular MSN, wrote MSN's Spaces(Blog), got the license plate, occurred many surprise things(Ghost, Rainbow)and thought the goal of my life all the time.

   This week, I always thought how to teach and how to learn. What happened and why I think this thing? Because my student!! She is very well behaved and easy to forget some things about the operation in fraction. Well, this is very big problems for me .I hope to find the answer of the problems. I found much information in Internet and felt those very interesting. I also learned a Aristotle's(亞里斯多德) dictum which is said "All men by nature desire to know".

   After some days (9/13), my separated girl friend's birthday will oncoming. I will want to give her birthday gift or sent blessing message. Well our love really ended. I have been thought that I hurt her before and now say sorry to her for the past five months. I suddenly felt the pangs of heart and thought in a word "I can forgive. But if you ask me to forget, you ask me to give up experience".                                


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