Today was not really my day. Because I thought that there had a big meeting in this morning, but no one told me that this morning’s meeting had been cancelled. Really waste my precious time. Ai, I was really hoodooed.


    I went to teach math for two senior high school girls at a good restaurant near Hsinchu County Culture bureau Library(新竹縣立圖書館). Their math is very poor, but they are very cute. Haha!! I talked with them to feel very happy. However their words let me so happy and sad. Because they said that"Teacher!! You looked so young". Haha, I did not know what I said, and I only giggled all the time.


    When I came to my home, I suddenly received a call which the Childern's Day Care Center's manager asked me to help them.As a result of I had not much time, so I commended my good friend, Luo Wun-Cih(羅文慈).Due to she  had her problems, so she refused the work. 


     Aside from I found my junior high school classmate’s album.She named by Ciou Cyun-Huei(邱群惠) and already married other people at 3/18 this year. I looked her photo to feel that she was very happy. I hope that she and her husband would so honey forever.


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