目前分類:心情 (68)

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雲飛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天一早起來  神奇的事居然發生嘞
我的眼鏡忽然裂掉   小綠她跟了我好久

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很沒精神  一直打瞌睡

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搞什麼  老子累的要死
你什麼東西阿  一直給我打哈欠

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  • Sep 25 Mon 2006 22:58
  • 回家

每次很累的回家  都沒東西吃
今天媽媽在家   剛剛媽媽和我說你回來摟

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雲飛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 今天的我好累好累   不知道是身體累還是心累!!明明沒幹麻,只是不斷一直看到很強的人  在我身旁走過!! 
「當我登上月球,終於看見了最美麗的地球,卻也變成了最孤寂的太空人。」        沒想到此時的我......

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今天2006 9/9很特別  無論是以全國的觀點或是以個人觀點都很特別,所以我就放棄寫英文
其實不應該這樣的!!!但是心中有太多的感覺  若用英文可能會消滅我想寫的慾望

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  • Sep 08 Fri 2006 00:46
  • Poor

    Today is 9/7 and it is also the first day for my computer life of the Lab. I occurred many problems that I could not find my Network Interface Card (NIC)(網路卡) made by Micro-Stare International (MSI)(微星). Because their Mainboard is so old and his model is 865 PE Nero 2. Ai, I really found that the computer is very annoyance.

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   Today is 9/1 and my summer vacation will be gone. Ai, time is really a very miraculous thing. In the past five months, it happened a lot of things that I lost my girl friend, contacted popular MSN, wrote MSN's Spaces(Blog), got the license plate, occurred many surprise things(Ghost, Rainbow)and thought the goal of my life all the time.

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     Oh!!My God, shit!! I made an error decision that my thinking was very boring only just. God, My head is very hurt and makes me so crazed. Really an error decision makes people to do foolish things. I must explain many reasons for this error decision.Jia-Fong Chen, Why did you think so clear for this decision only just?? Please, tell me why and why?? You are really a stupid like child.

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    Today was very lucky day, because I had very specially feeling. Today I went to NCTU for attending a group meeting. Although this meeting was not specially things, but I ate my lunch with my senior high school classmate who is named by Deng-Gai Yang(楊登凱).We talked about many recent things which we occurred. I felt that his pressure was very big for his test and years old. Ai, I had the same problems and I want to know this answers. But I have been not found the good answer of this problem for a long time.

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      I have been not kept a diary for a long time. It was so cockamamie that I made up my mind to keep a diary every day in the beginning of July. Haha, I was really fancy and the beginning three minutes cordial man.

      I found that my English ability became worse. I really felt that the phrase “Practice Makes Perfect” is so right. Because now I felt that I could not use well in English words and I seemed to forget English grammar in writing. Haha, my grammar was bad. I hope that I can find a foreigner to help my poor English in the future.

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曾幾何時   每當黑夜降臨

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今天中午,陪安平去新竹的大東海,看特考資訊!!!  他和我說:"他放棄了國防役的機會,希望趕快去當兵" 

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[學海無涯,日月有限,困於天資,何苦來哉]     雲飛

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   Today was not really my day. Because I thought that there had a big meeting in this morning, but no one told me that this morning’s meeting had been cancelled. Really waste my precious time. Ai, I was really hoodooed.


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